Terms and Conditions for Processing Personal Data in Compliance with GDPR 

These Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") outline the obligations and responsibilities of Miro Arva Photography ("Photographer," "we," "us," or "our") when processing personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any applicable data protection laws. By engaging our photography services, you ("Client" or "you") acknowledge and agree to these terms.

1. Data Controller and Data Processor

1.1. Data Controller: The Client, being the entity booking the services provided by the Photographer, shall be considered the Data Controller responsible for determining the purposes and means of personal data processing.

1.2. Data Processor: The Photographer, as the service provider, shall act as the Data Processor and process personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, in accordance with the GDPR.

2. Purpose of Data Processing

2.1. The Photographer shall process personal data solely for the purpose of providing professional photography services during the agreed-upon provided services.

2.2. The types of personal data processed may include but are not limited to: names, job titles, email addresses, and photographs of individuals, staff, and participants.

3. Data Processing Principles

3.1. Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: The Photographer shall process personal data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner, ensuring that the Client is informed of the data processing activities.

3.2. Purpose Limitation: Personal data shall only be processed for the purposes explicitly specified in this Agreement or as agreed upon with the Client.

3.3. Data Minimization: The Photographer shall only process personal data that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the specified purposes.

3.4. Accuracy: The Photographer shall take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is accurate and kept up to date. Clients are responsible for providing accurate and updated information.

3.5. Storage Limitation: Personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by law.

3.6. Integrity and Confidentiality: The Photographer shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.

4. Rights of Data Subjects

4.1. The Photographer shall assist the Data Controller in fulfilling its obligations to respond to data subject rights requests, including access, rectification, erasure, and objection, as provided for under the GDPR.

5. Subprocessors

5.1. The Photographer may engage subcontractors (subprocessors) to assist in providing photography services. Subprocessors shall be selected with the utmost care, and appropriate data processing agreements shall be in place to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.

6. Data Breach Notification

6.1. In the event of a personal data breach, the Photographer shall promptly notify the Data Controller of the breach as required by the GDPR.

7. Data Transfer

7.1. The Photographer shall not transfer personal data to a third country or international organization without the explicit consent of the Data Controller or unless adequate safeguards are in place.

8. Data Deletion and Return

8.1. After completing the photography services, the Photographer shall promptly delete or return all personal data to the Data Controller, as instructed by the Client.

9. Changes to Terms and Conditions

9.1. The Photographer reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions to comply with changes in GDPR regulations or as deemed necessary. Clients will be notified of any material changes.

10. Governing Law

10.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. 

By engaging our photography services, you signify your understanding and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms or our data processing practices, please contact us at studio@miroarva.com 

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